3 things you shouldn't do when you are confused.

 Hello lovely you!

Just to remind you that you are human and its okay to be confused. I will also add 3 things you shouldn't do when you are confused.
Yeah, they are just 3 things. Sounds easy right? Well I'd like to make you believe that, but darling it could be a little tangling than usual. I hope to help you find it easy in this post.

First of, let's see what confusion mean?
From google, confusion means uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required.
Example:"there seems to be some confusion about which system does what"

Going through some oxford dictionary meaning they simply refer confusion to be a feeling of ignorance.

I'd put it as "you don't know".

At that point you don't know what to feel, say or do!

So you can agree that ignorance is a huge determinant of confusion. I can hear you say " but some times I know these things!".

But hey! That's not knowledge. When you know something entirely, you live it! You simply know what to do.

Maybe I understand you, you know, I have felt that way before. Having to know the outcome of different choices yet I am still confused. This confusion is not because I don't know. 

Its born out of doubts or the thoughts of how someone else will feel about my decision. But here lies it all, If I know that my happiness is what matters, I'd wait it out and carefully look through the problem.

So if you know that all you need do is to make yourself happy without spilling much beans, then you would be bold enough to clear out your mind and take action.

So dear, here we go to the three things you shouldn't do when you are confused.

Ready Steady Go (Pakistani TV series) - Wikipedia

Number one: Do Not Be Nervous!
You heard me! Don't you ever give room for this. Have you ever been asked to do something all of a sudden on the stage with a huge audience and that sharp feeling pierce your heart and makes it jump, pound and race, all at the same time. You feel your blood running faster than normal and sometimes you can't breath!

Exactly that's the feeling you must avoid! As natural as it is my dear, it's not healthy at all if you want not to be confused. Nervousness blocks your sense of reasoning. It makes you quite uncomfortable and opens the window of doubts. 

Sometimes if you have decided on something, you would just have to start all over again because you let Mr Nervous in at that point. Nervousness makes you feel shitty and incapable!
Yes shitty! Because you'll begin to ask yourself. " Are you sure this is right?" " I never can make this work" And so on!

Number two: Don't Be Overwhelmed With Nervousness!
So now you are nervous, it's okay. It's natural like I noted above.
Remember I said confusion simply means "you don't know?" so no one is going to cut off your head for not knowing how to or what to. All you need do is not to let this feeling overwhelm you. 

Take breath exercises and find fun ways to remain calm.

Number three: Don't Take Hasty Decisions!
If at all you couldn't get past one and two, please do with three. Because the moment you take a hasty decision! It will tell on the way you feel afterwards. 

Don't decide because you want to have something settled on. Take your time to think, evaluate, draft out and understand before deciding.

So now that you know these three powerful don't do! I will suggest 2 things you can always do instead.

Number one: Pray
Many of you may find this weird and very useless, but I have done it countless times and it works!

There is really no long distance between your knees and ground. Just a quick kneel and pour out how you feel. You will feel calm and relaxed after. I promise! Prayer makes you feel calm and answered.

A few tips on how to pray for someone --Aleteia

Number two: Ask questions
An African adage which I now modifiy says. " One can never miss the road if he asks questions". True! Its never wrong to ask questions even though you have knowledge. 

Asking a question especially when you know is an humble way of learning. As there are still many things unknown to you. Ask questions from people whose judgement you trust. Ask wisely, listen carefully and act wisely!

Sure you learned a few things. How about you comment what you have done differently that has helped you when you were confused. We all are different people with different approach to life!

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  1. Hello, Uwem King.
    One thing I do whenever I am confused is to think about the effects each of those decisions would have on me. If they don't make me happy or if they aren't for the better good, then I just don't go for them.

    I just think one's happiness is Paramount.

    1. Exactly Blaqsnow! One's happiness should be the main point. Good to have you share.

  2. Any time am confused and I don't know what to do. I always try all I could to calm myself at that moment and i think fast or act fast the best way out.
    And as aforementioned prayers also get one out of confusion easily. Thanks.

  3. Any time am confused and I don't know what to do. I always try all I could to calm myself at that moment and i think fast or act fast the best way out.
    And as aforementioned prayers also get one out of confusion easily. Thanks. Lawrence.

    1. Thank you Lawrence. Prayer is a sure relief antidote. If only we let ourselves say them.

  4. Prayer does really help. Then one need to also see to understand the object of the confusion, and then see how best to tackle such confusion. In all knowledge is required.

  5. A confused person is one who doesn't know thyself, if not why should you be confused, one way to tackle confusion is to discover your individual strength and weakness, take necessary steps to improve and develop yourself physically, mentally and spiritually, you'd find out that you'd be the best version of yourself, and confusion would be a thing of the past.


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